Working So You Can Take a Swim

Working So You Can Take a Swim

Maintenance Tasks To Keep Your Pool In Tip-Top Shape During Summer

by Franklin Wilson

Recreational swimming is not just an excellent full-body, low-impact workout, but a great way to free your mind from unwanted thoughts. If you have a swimming pool at home, you can enjoy the convenience of swimming from the comfort of your own backyard.

That said, pool ownership bestows upon you the responsibility of ensuring your pool is maintained correctly. Proper pool care will ensure the water is clean and safe for swimming, as well as enhance the aesthetics of your pool area. 

Follow these pool maintenance tips to keep your pool water sparkling throughout the summer.

Pool Cleaning

Dirty pools can be a hotbed for dirt, debris, allergens, germs, and bacteria. The easiest way to prevent these elements from compromising your pool water quality is to clean your pool thoroughly and consistently. 

Thorough pool cleaning involves a lot more than just skimming the pool surface to remove floating leaves and debris. It includes deep cleaning of the walls and bottom of the pool with hard-bristled brushes and powerful vacuum cleaners (automatic or robotic) to eliminate sediment, algae, and other elements that affect the water quality.

It also involves removing any debris that may be trapped in pool filters. 

Pool Water Testing

As part of routine pool care, you also need to check the balance of your pool water. Testing the water chemistry is essential for ensuring the safety of swimmers, as well as the pool equipment.

Some of the balance factors considered during water testing include pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and total dissolved solids. If you have a heated pool, you may need to get your water temperature checked in addition to the other balance factors.

If your pool water is unbalanced, there are chemicals you can add to balance it. 

Pool Inspection

Aside from the pool structure itself, you should inspect all of the pool equipment, including the pump, filters, timers, lights, heaters, and more to check for damage and issues that require urgent repair attention. 

Consistent pool inspections help you keep tabs on the overall health of your pool while allowing you to find problems that could affect its performance, safety, and durability if not addressed on time.

Nothing screams summer more than clear, sparkling pool water. But that takes time and effort and requires specialized equipment, which you may not have. If you need professional help with maintaining your pool, don't hesitate to get in touch with a pool contractor.

Contact a local pool maintenance service to learn more. 


About Me

Working So You Can Take a Swim

At the end of a long, hot day, nothing feels better than sinking into a cool pool of water. But think about all it takes to build and maintain that pool. A pool contractor had to first design the pool before pouring the concrete that comprises it. Then, as the pool ages, someone needs to make repairs when the surfaces starts peeling. That's not to mention the daily maintenance, like checking chlorine levels or scrubbing away algae. Pool contractors have an important job, and they're the reason you can take a relaxing swim. Read more about their profession on this website.