Working So You Can Take a Swim

Working So You Can Take a Swim

What Happens When You Have A Fiberglass Pool Installed

by Franklin Wilson

Are you ready to install a fiberglass pool in your backyard, but you are unsure what to expect? It will help to have an overview of the entire process so that you can be well-prepared. 

Location Planning

The first thing you'll need to do is determine where the pool will go in your backyard. Fiberglass pools come in set sizes that you cannot make modifications to, so you need to map out where the pool will go and mark it in the ground. This will allow you to know exactly where you will be digging, get the proper permits, and map out where all the plumbing pipes will go into the ground. 


Now the excavation process begins, where heavy-duty machinery will be brought in to remove the dirt in the area that has been marked up. The job is done with a combination of machinery and digging behind, with the equipment doing most of the work. However, many of the water lines that need to be installed will have trenches that are dug by hand. 

Foundation Preparation

A fiberglass pool isn't simply dropped into the hole that was made. There will need to be a foundation that supports the pool to ensure that it doesn't sink further into the ground. This is done by creating a solid base of gravel along the bottom. Care will be taken to make sure that this surface is both compact and level.

Pool Placement

The fiberglass swimming pool will arrive on a flatbed truck, and it will be lifted off the truck and into the hole with a crane. There is no other way to do this since the pool is heavy and comes as one solid piece. The empty area around the pool is then backfilled with soil that was taken from the ground. The process of filling the pool with water will also begin so that the weight of the water helps it settle in place. 

Utility Connection

The utility lines can now start being connected to the pool with it in place. This includes all of the plumbing and electrical lines necessary to get the filtration system working. Everything will be tested to ensure it works before the final step.


At this point, the pool itself is essentially finished being installed. All that is left is the finishing work required to make it look great. This can include pouring a cement pool deck around the structure, installing a security fence, and any landscaping that you want to have as well. 


About Me

Working So You Can Take a Swim

At the end of a long, hot day, nothing feels better than sinking into a cool pool of water. But think about all it takes to build and maintain that pool. A pool contractor had to first design the pool before pouring the concrete that comprises it. Then, as the pool ages, someone needs to make repairs when the surfaces starts peeling. That's not to mention the daily maintenance, like checking chlorine levels or scrubbing away algae. Pool contractors have an important job, and they're the reason you can take a relaxing swim. Read more about their profession on this website.