Working So You Can Take a Swim

Working So You Can Take a Swim

What To Know About Getting An Inground Fiberglass Pool

by Franklin Wilson

A fiberglass swimming pool is a good choice when you're ready to install an inground pool in your yard. A pool provides a place to relax, entertain, play, and exercise, so it's a good investment and fun for all ages. Here's why fiberglass is a good pool choice and other important information you need to know about inground fiberglass swimming pools.

Why Fiberglass Pools Are A Good Choice

While you could choose a concrete or vinyl pool, fiberglass has a few advantages. For one, the surface isn't porous like concrete, so algae stains aren't as big of a problem as they are with concrete. In addition, fiberglass is easy to keep clean and sanitary. Plus, one of the main advantages of an inground fiberglass pool is that it is fast to install. This means you could enjoy your new pool weeks or months sooner than if you install a pool made from concrete.

Fiberglass Pool Shells Are Premolded

One of the reasons an inground fiberglass pool is so quick to install is that the pools are premolded and ready to drop in the ground. The fiberglass shells are made in a factory in large molds and include all the parts needed, such as steps. As such, the pool is complete before the shell is transported to your home.

You can choose from many different shapes and sizes when you're selecting the perfect shell for your yard. However, since the shells are all one piece, there is a limit when it comes to size since the shells are transported by truck. Still, a fiberglass pool can be deep enough for a diving board or be shallow without a deep end.

A contractor excavates a hole based on the exact dimensions needed to hold the fiberglass shell so when the shell arrives at your home, it can be quickly installed. Moving the shell is usually done by a crane that can lift the shell over your property if needed.

You Can Customize Your Pool Too

While you have to choose from a pool with the shape and size already defined, you can still add some customization. Tanning shelves can be added once your pool is installed. You can also add underwater lights, water furniture, and water features. However, you can't change the shape, so you'll want to choose your fiberglass pool shell carefully.

Installation Of An Inground Fiberglass Pool Is Fast

You might be able to use your pool in just a few weeks from the time installation starts. While the shell is already built, the hole has to be backfilled once the shell is in place, and plumbing and electricity have to be installed and connected. As the pool is being finished, water is continually added to the level of the backfill rock to keep pressure equalized.

This is an important concept to understand with a fiberglass pool. You don't want to drain the water out of your pool since the pressure of the gravel against the exterior walls could cause damage to the pool if no water is in place to hold the shell in place. For more information, contact a company like Premier Pools & Spas.


About Me

Working So You Can Take a Swim

At the end of a long, hot day, nothing feels better than sinking into a cool pool of water. But think about all it takes to build and maintain that pool. A pool contractor had to first design the pool before pouring the concrete that comprises it. Then, as the pool ages, someone needs to make repairs when the surfaces starts peeling. That's not to mention the daily maintenance, like checking chlorine levels or scrubbing away algae. Pool contractors have an important job, and they're the reason you can take a relaxing swim. Read more about their profession on this website.