Working So You Can Take a Swim

Working So You Can Take a Swim

The Pool Maintenance Guide To Dealing With Spring Preparations When Winter Closing Has Ended

by Franklin Wilson

The fall months are when you will be preparing your pool for the winter months. Depending on where you live, this can involve winter pool closing maintenance like partially draining the pool, treating water, and winterizing your pool equipment. Once the weather starts to warm up again, you'll then have to undo all that maintenance. The following spring pool maintenance guide will help you undo the winter pool closing you did and get your pool ready for summer opening:

Checking Your Cover and Removing It To Start The Maintenance That Needs To Be Done

The first step in preparing your pool to be opened after the winter weather is to inspect the cover. The cover should be a modern safety cover and you want to check it for damage and have repairs done before it is removed. When you remove the cover, start by cleaning any debris from the top of the cover to keep as much of it out of the water in your pool as possible.

Manually Fishing Out Algae and Large Debris That Is In Your Pool From The Winter Weather

There is a lot of debris that can get in the water in your pool during the winter months. Some of this is debris and objects that have fallen in before winter closing. Sometimes, the debris is due to algae that have begun to bloom before you removed the cover. Therefore, you will want to fish out all this large debris with nets to keep it out of the equipment as you continue with maintenance to get your pool open.

Removing The Plugs and Connecting The Pool Filter Equipment To Get Ready For Opening

One of the maintenance tasks that are done during winter pool closing is plugging the inlets and outlets. These plugs will need to be removed when you get ready to open your pool for the summer months. In addition, you will want to connect the pool equipment and make sure none of the connections are leaking before you start running the pump.

Filling The Pool, Backwashing The Filter and Begin Treating The Water To Get Ready For Summer

Once you have the equipment connected, you will be ready to start filling the pool. Wait until the water is above all the inlets before you start the pump. You will also want to backwash the pump before you start filtering the water. Once the water starts to get clearer, you will be ready to start adding treatments to get your pool ready for summer opening and swimming as the weather gets hotter.

These are some tips that will help you undo the winter pool closing and prepare for summer. If you need help undoing the winterization you did to your pool, contact a winter pool closing service to help get your pool ready to open for summer.

Visit a website like for more information on proper pool maintenance.


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Working So You Can Take a Swim

At the end of a long, hot day, nothing feels better than sinking into a cool pool of water. But think about all it takes to build and maintain that pool. A pool contractor had to first design the pool before pouring the concrete that comprises it. Then, as the pool ages, someone needs to make repairs when the surfaces starts peeling. That's not to mention the daily maintenance, like checking chlorine levels or scrubbing away algae. Pool contractors have an important job, and they're the reason you can take a relaxing swim. Read more about their profession on this website.