Working So You Can Take a Swim

Working So You Can Take a Swim

Factors to Consider When Opening a Pool

by Franklin Wilson

Public swimming pools typically have designated opening times for their facilities. You can follow their lead in when to open your own pool. However, they have factors they consider that might not apply to you, such as when they can hire help and when their peak season is.

You might be better off making your own decision of when to open your pool. Below are some factors that can help you make the decision.


Algae are a dreaded development in your swimming pool. It makes the water unpleasant. The algae can also stain your pool liner. Typically, you want to prevent algae from growing in your pool.

Algae spores are constantly introduced into your water, even when you have the pool closed up. They thrive when the weather warming up translates to warm water. When the pool is closed, the water isn't circulated and it's probably low in chlorine. Algae love those conditions. So, when the weather starts warming up, opening the pool can prevent algae.


Algae spores aren't the only thing that can get into your water under the pool cover. Once spring hits and flowers bloom, pollen flies through the air. Some of it lands right in your pool water.

As with algae, a large part of the problem is that the water isn't circulating in a closed pool. So, the pollen just sits in the water steeping. Not only does it discolor the water, but it can also eventually stain certain liner materials. In an open pool, the skimmer removes the algae.


Homeowners have a pool installed for many different reasons. Many people want the exercise associated with swimming. Others use the pool as the center of their outdoor entertainment. Regardless of the reasons, swimming pools are part of the homeowners' lifestyle. Opening a pool earlier does result in higher seasonal operating costs. However, keeping the pool closed results in reduced personal use and even lower return on investment.

Pool Care

Pool care is at the center of all the above considerations. If you have regular pool care services, you do increase your seasonal operational costs.  That said, if you secure your pool care early, you might be able to negotiate costs. At least you get the schedule you want.

You also get a big return on investment. Pool care specialists can help open your pool, thus eliminating any issues related to algae or pollen. They can also keep your pool maintained so you don't incur any big maintenance costs. You're the best judge of when to open your pool but remember why it's there at all: to use it and enjoy it.

Discuss your opening concerns with your pool care specialists.


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Working So You Can Take a Swim

At the end of a long, hot day, nothing feels better than sinking into a cool pool of water. But think about all it takes to build and maintain that pool. A pool contractor had to first design the pool before pouring the concrete that comprises it. Then, as the pool ages, someone needs to make repairs when the surfaces starts peeling. That's not to mention the daily maintenance, like checking chlorine levels or scrubbing away algae. Pool contractors have an important job, and they're the reason you can take a relaxing swim. Read more about their profession on this website.